We’re talking effects: EFX. Less cookie-cutter, more inspired.
Is the tension hot in a particular scene? How about the sound of frying bacon in the background of that rain sequence? Let’s get creative and come up with some cool moves. The creation of dynamic soundscapes elevates your art to the next level.
Tricky stuff. Voice processing can go way beyond simple dialogue cleanup or sweetening. But the right fixes can deliver a world of difference. We offer:
- Precise digital pitch alteration with minimal artifacts
- Formant processing
- Tone-matching above and beyond mic-matching
- Adjustment for ambience
- Custom effects, like sonic smoothing for a luxury brand or vocal fry for a millennial brand… without re-recording
- Tailored dialogue masters without losing animation sync or incurring additional time recording in the booth
So many options to create just the right combination of results!
No recording is perfect.
We’ll help you get closer. If your project suffers from fidelity loss due to poor equipment, background noise, file conversion, time-stretch, or worse, we’ll make it more than just usable… even re-sync it.
VoiceOver LA engineers remove unwanted noise from your masters using a variety of state-of-the-art processing techniques including complex filtering, de-plosive, de-click, de-clip, broadband de-noising, even manually redrawing the waveform. THAT’S something to watch…
We can also enhance dialogue and add third order harmonics to a stale recording. We’re up to the challenge. Let’s make this thing great.