VoiceOver LA connects full-service casting and production with world-class voice talent, from our curated Hollywood roster to an extended network around the globe.

With multiple languages voiced by native speakers, we deliver everything from local TV :30’s to internationally streaming episodics.

And throughout, you can rely on a potent mix of quality, speed and price — delivered to spec, with killer dependability.


       VoiceOver LA

                 Now you’re talkin’…

Commercials & Narration

With a core of hundreds of hand-picked actors, we’re ready to provide you with free custom casting and multi-voice reads that are tailored to the spirit of your campaign.

A rich base of Hollywood-centric professionals anchors our wide national and international reach, with connections and relationships that provide ample coverage for your project.

A I & Text-to-Speech

We’re experts at local and international recording for sampling diversity.

From Spanish to Portuguese, Arabic to Japanese, VoiceOver LA is your one-stop resource for a diversity of characters, accents, moods and styles.

It’s a high bar that requires some rigorous supervision, resulting in a product with consistent QC, editing and style.

International Dubbing

Converting foreign language TV to English is a house specialty. And we do it by way of an ingenious inter-national studio network, which we use to sync hi-res recording to a custom grid of connected locations. Which in turn enables remote producers to participate at will, in real time.

Which makes for multiple casting options, dependable delivery and cost-saving workflow.

Here’s what we know:

Every voice-over performance

is an opportunity to engage your listeners.

It depends on how you hear it: Hard sell or soft, narrative vs storyteller, casual v comical…

Once you begin to hone in on that direction, you may see the advantage of adding an ally to the mix:

A live online engineer who’ll watch your back and deliver a broadcast-quality product that frees up your voice talent to concentrate on knocking out a great take.

We’re there with the personnel — and the expertise — to help make that final come alive.

Play Video

Translation and Adaptation

Need to translate your copy into other languages? Easy:
Google Translator, right…!?
         Mmmm, not so fast. 

Better to find a native speaker who can bring it to life in a performance that truly connects with your audience. 

Good. Now you’re talkin’.

Sound Editorial

VOLA’s network of studios and the people who run them are there to supervise and deliver broadcast-ready results with efficiency and speed, including:

  • Comprehensive dialogue, SFX, and Foley editing
  • ADR prep, cueing, recording and editorial
  • Audio restoration and cleanup
  • Sweetening and soundtrack enhancement


Oh, and about managing sound budgets and ensuring that audio post work flows: Yeah, that’s gonna require some finesse.

With ongoing communication we keep close watch over the editorial, music and re-recording process. Managing your masters from creation to delivery.
And making sure to keep you connected to the decision-making process along the way.

Voice Processing

Tricky stuff, that. Goes somewhat beyond your garden-variety dialogue cleanup or sweetening. But the right fixes can deliver a world of difference. 

Such as?

  • Digital pitch alteration
  • Formant processing
  • Adjustment for ambience
  • Custom effects, like sonic smoothing for a luxury brand or vocal fry for a millennial brand… without re-recording
  • Tailored dialogue masters that maintain sync, etc.

You may simply ask: “Can you fix that thing?”
          To which we may simply reply: “Um-hmm.”


But, of course!

Whatever the format, we’ve got cha covered,
from simple online audio to complex multi-episodic surround.

All done with the same attention to detail.
All delivered to order.

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