Voiceover Session Anatomy 101 via Zoom


Know what to expect from producers in a pro session. Call to schedule.

Experience the phases of a commercial voiceover recording session from start to finish.

Topics covered include:

Digesting New Copy:  Last minute changes right before you read.
Meet and Greet 1:  Own the session.  Creative.  Technical.  Professional. Personal.
Booth Ownership:  Hold court from the booth.  Mic position.  Lighting.  Paper copy.  Video monitor.  Headphones/ Talkback.  Connecting with the engineer.  Accessories.  Distractions.
Meet and Greet 2:  Remote connections with producers and executives.
First Read Plan of Attack:  Pace.  Pitch.  Tone/ Intensity.  Age. Sell.  Smile.  Moments.  CTA.
First Round of Feedback:  Major vs. Minor Adjustments.  Timing (overall verses in-phrase pacing).
Digging In:  Power Reads. Extremes (pace, pitch, sell, smile, tone/intensity, moments) A, B, C’s.  Engineer Relationship (eye contact, session flow, hand language).  Difficult phrases.  ALTs
Safety Reads:  Intelligibility.  Consonants.  Pacing.
Final Offer:  Your own read.  Last once-through.
Signing Off / Signature Gift:  Character Impression.  Personal Touch.  Vocal Memento.
Exit Meeting:  Engineer, Studio Manager.  Win.

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